Tuesday 18 August 2020

Past Paper Novel 2017 | M.A. English Part I (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
1. Explore the significance of social class in Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" and how it impacts relationships and marriage. 
2. Is Egdon Heath a sinister force in Hardy's "The Return of the Native"? Why or why not? 
3. "A Tale of Two Cities" by Dickens is not a history of the French Revolution, yet it is truer than history. 
4. Discuss in detail the dynamics and presentation of the Poyser family in Eliot's "Adam Bede". 
5. Critically analyze Trollope's presentation of church Doctrine and reform in "Barchester Towers". 
6. In Dickens' :"A Tale of Two Cities", the Carton-Darnay dichotomy reflects the slipt focus of the story suggested by the two cities of the title. Discuss. 
7. Write critical notes on any TWO of the following; 
(i) Function of Minor Characters in "The Return of the Native" 
(ii) Mrs. Olivia Proudie's Characterization
(iii) Humour in "Pride and Prejudice" 
(iv) Religion in "Adam Bede"

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