Friday 6 May 2016

Now, by heaven, ....... to lead the way. | Othello By William Shakespeare | Eureka Study Aids

Now, by heaven,
My blood begins my safer guides to rule,
And passion, have my best judgment collied,
Assays to lead the way.

Now, by heaven, ......... to lead the way.

(i) Drama: Othello 
(ii) Dramatist: William Shakespeare
(i) Occurrence: Act 2, Scene III
(ii) Content: Iago plots against Othello and sends Roderigo to tell Brabantio that Othello has seduced Desdemona, Brabantio's daughter. After convincing Brabantio that he has won Desdemona's love, Othello is sent to Cyprus for a military command. Iago plants a handkerchief that Othello gave to Desdemona on Cassio to convince Othello that Cassio and Desdemona have an affair. Iago also convinces Roderigo to make an attempt on Cassio's life. He frames the courtesan Bianca and murders Roderigo. Mad with jealously, Othello smothers Desdemona, Iago's wife Emilia stumbles upon the murder and exposes Iago's plots, for which Iago kills her. Othello, realizing his error, kills himself.
     These lines reveal an important flaw in Othello's character for the first time. Othello is not a logical and sensible person. When he is angry or emotionally moved, he allows himself to act according to his heart rather than his mind. His self-control is overcome by his anger, and his best judgment is darkened by his passions. In fact, Othello is awakened from his wedding bed by a commotion and a brawl in a tavern involving none other than his lieutenant Cassio and a gentleman Roderigo. He is surprised more than a little irritated by the fact that he is aroused and ousted from his bed in the middle of the night. Othello dismisses Cassio without even waiting until morning to further consider and consult others before making a decision. Othello himself knows this flaw and describes it perfectly in these lines. Why then does he not, knowing his weakness, endeavour to correct it? It seems that he does not consider this aspect of his character a flaw at all, rather an integral part of his personality.
Notes Prepared By: Prof. Shahbaz Asghar


  1. Othello k all RTV Hein apkpas??

  2. i want to need a clear introductory paragraph of all questions

  3. i also want a clear context of all text in othello drama

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