Monday 7 September 2020

Questions in Past Papers (PU) | Adrienne Rich & Sylvia Plath | Eureka Study Aids

A. Adrienne Rich
1. Write a detailed account of some of the themes that are dominant in Adrienne Rich's poetry. (2003) 
2. Write a critical appreciation of Aunt Jennifer's Tiger by Adrienne Rich. (2004) 
3. Critically evaluate Aunt Jennifer's Tigers by Adrienne Rich (2008) 
4. Write a detailed note on the feminist themes in Diving into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich. (2009) 
5. Write a detailed critical note on Final Notation by Adrienne Rich. (2010) 
6. By referring closely to Rich's poems prescribed in the syllabus discuss which TWO poems are typical of her poetic attitude? (2012) 
7. Write a detailed note on the dominant thematic concern in Adrienne Rich's poem Final Notation. (2013) 
8. What is the main theme of the poem "Aunt Jenifer's Tigers" by Adrienne Rich? (2015) 
9. "Diving into Wreck" is a poem about a woman's quest for subjectivity and identity. (2016) 

B. Sylvia Plath
1. Write a critical appreciation of Sylvia Plath's poem The Bee Meeting. (2003) 
2. Write a critical appreciation of Poppies in October by Sylvia Plath. (2004) 
3. Write a detailed account of some of the themes that are dominant in Sylvia Plath's poems. (2004) 
4. Discuss the major themes in the poetry of Sylvia Plath. (2005) 
5. Sylvia Plath exposes her subjectivity in terms of objectivity. Illustrate the statement with reference to her poems you have studied. (2006) 
6. Write critical appreciation of Poppies in October by Sylvia Plath (2006) 
7. Critically evaluate Morning Song by Sylvia Plath. (2007) 
8. Discuss the use of imagery in Plath's poetry with reference to the poems you have read. (2008) 
9. Discuss the confessional element in the two Bee Poems by Sylvia Plath. (2009) 
10. Critically evaluate the poem Your by Sylvia Plath. (2010) 
11. Critically evaluate the poem Ariel by Sylvia Plath. (2012) 
12. By referring closely to Plath's poems prescribed in the syllabus, discuss which two poems are typical of her poetic attitude? (2013) 
13. Write a critical appraisal of Sylvia Plath's poem Poppies in October. (2014) 
14. Write a critical appraisal of Sylvia Plath's poem "Bee Meeting". (2015) 
15. Discuss the theme of death and suicide with reference to Plath's poems. (2016) 
16. How "The Arrival of Bee-Box" and "Bee Meeting" are confessional poems? (2017) 
17. Discuss the feminist significance of the symbolism of nature in Plath's poems. (2018) 
18. Plath's "Ariel" is a poem about transformation and a woman's relation with nature. Comment. (2019) 

C. Adrienne Rich & Sylvia Plath Plus General
1. Write a comprehensive note on the theme of Feminism as treated by Sylvia Plath and Adrienne Rich in their poems. (2005) 
2. Choose two poems from your course and explain in detail how poets give us a fresh view of things through the use of poetic language. (2011) 
3. Preciseness of expression and vividness of language are features of many poems. Show by reference to TWO poems the truth of this statement. (2012) 
4. The most forceful theme can be conveyed through the imagery of a poem. Discuss with close reference to at least two poems from your course. (2013)

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