Sunday 30 August 2020

Questions in Past Papers (PU) | Barchester Towers By Anthony Trollope | Eureka Study Aids

1. "He is a male Jane Austen, cruder and more expansive, but equally secure in his knowledge of what he can do, and with the same clear determination not to transgress into world which he does not understand". How far does Trollope fall true to this critical observation of his work? (2003) 
2. Discuss the manner in which Anthony Trollope contextualizes the broad historical, technological and social concerns of his times in Bar Chester Towers. (2004) 
3. Write a detailed comment on Anthony Trollope's art of characterization in the light of R.H. Hutton's observation that ---- 'Everybody in Mr. Trollope is more or less under pressure swayed lither and thither by opposite attractions assailed on this side and that by the strategy of rivals.' (2004) 
4. Trollope preferred to describe his characters before showing them in action and sometimes his initial descriptions of them are more interesting than their own subsequent bahaviour. Discuss. (2005) 
5. Trollope's Art of Characterization 1/2 (2005) 
6. Mr. Slope is a cunning and ruthless opportunist loyal to none but himself. Discuss with special reference to Barchester Towers. (2006) 
7. With her seductive charms Signora Neroni loves to put the male romanticism to shame. Discuss with special reference to Barchester Towers. (2007) 
8. Trollope's Humour and Style 1/2 (2007) 
9. Why is Trollope known as Male Jane Austen? Explain (2008) 
10. Trollope's Art of Characterization 1/2 (2008) 
11. Critically analyze Trollope's humour and style in Barchester Towers. (2009) 
12. "Trollope's Barchester Towers is a picture of common life enlivened by humour and sweetened by pathos." Substantiate. (2010) 
13. Revival of Twentieth Century Interest in Trollope 1/2 (2010) 
14. Discuss Trollope's presentation of character and setting in Barchester Towers. (2011) 
15. Characterization in Trollope 1/2 (2011) 
16. Trollope's there in Barchester Towers is "The world and the way of the world". Discuss. (2012) 
17. Trollope - The True Successor to Fielding 1/2 (2012) 
18. "The major theme of Barchester Towers by Trollope is the ongoing struggle between the conservative and liberal. Discuss with reference to characterisation and setting. (2013) 
19. Public and Society Activity in Trollope's Barchester Towers 1/2 (2013) 
20. Discuss the significance of the fact that Trollope's novel BARCHESTER TOWERS is told from the third person omniscient point of view. (2014) 
21. Objects and Places in Barchester Towers 1/2 (2014) 
22. "Power and ambition are the key-notes in the novel "Barchester Towers". How far do you agree with this point of view? (2015) 
23. The Role of Women in "Barchester Towers" 1/2 (2015) 
24. "Trollope is akin to Fielding on the one hand, to Jane Austen on the other, " says Walter Scott. How far do you agree? (2016) 
25. Critically analyze Trollope's presentation of church Doctrine and reform in "Barchester Towers". (2017) 
26. Mrs. Olivia Proudie's Characterization 1/2 (2017) 
27. Explore the major and minor female characters in Trollope's "Barchester Towers". (2018)
28. Satire in Barchester Towers 1/2 (2018) 
29. Analyze the theme of conflict in Trollope's "Barchester Towers" between forces wanting to maintain status quo, and those seeking change. (2019)
30. Trollope's Art of Characterization in "Barchester Towers" (2019) 

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