Saturday 3 January 2015

Past Paper Prose 2013 | M.A. English Part I (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. analyze in detail the relationship between parents and children as discussed by Francis Bacon.
2. Write a detailed appraisal of Swift's versatility as a satirist as revealed in Gulliver's Travels.
3. Russell says, "I have spoken of liberty as a good, but it is not absolute good". Tell why, keeping in mind The Future of Mankind.
4. How does Seamus Heaney prove in The Redress of Poetry that the co-ordinates of the imagined thing correspond to and allow us to contemplate the complex burden of our own experience?
5. How does Edward Said prove that imperialism goes beyond political and economic domination and stays in the most subtle way in culture?
6. Reaching "a great place" and "sustaining a great place" both are difficult. Discuss with reference to Of Great Place.
7. "Prose is a language of reason, poetry of emotion". Elaborate this statement with reference to the prose-writers that you have studied so far.

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