Sunday 30 August 2020

Questions in Past Papers (PU) | The Winter's Tale By William Shakespeare | Eureka Study Aids

1. It has been said that Shakespeare "lost the light-hearted gaiety of his youth; where once he had laughed, he now, in his maturity, smiled pensively not without melancholy." Discuss this statement in relation to Shakespeare's play The Winter's Tale. (2003) 
2. Shakespeare as a Universal Poet 1/2 (2003) 
3. What kinds of insight do you think has Shakespeare given us into the relationship between parents and children in The Winter's Tale? (2004) 
4. "Shakespeare never did anything finer more serious more evocative of his full powers that his picture of an earthly paradise painted in the form of English countryside". What factors contribute to this picture of an earthly paradise? (2005) 
5. Discuss the play 'The Winter's Tale' as a tragic comedy. (2006) 
6. Discuss the role of the women in The Winter's Tale and their relationship with their husbands/lovers. (2007) 
7. Leontes' jealousy is sudden, fierce and motiveless. Discuss its consequences. (2008) 
8. Discuss the role of Divine Intervention in the play 'The Winter's Tale' especially the miracle scene and the Delphic oracle. (2009) 
9. Discuss and analyze Leontes' jealousy. Is it too sudden and poorly motivated to be credible? (2010)
10. What possible explanation can we provide for Leontes' sudden onset of jealousy? Has Leontes completely lost his mind, or is there some strange "rationale" at work in Leontes's mind? (2011) 
11. The Winter's Tale is classified as a romance but some have said that this classification is misleading. Do you feel the play should be classified as a tragedy and, if so, why? (2011) 
12. Explore the character of Hermione. How far is she responsible for Leontes' madness in 'The Winter's Tale'? (2012) 
13. How is Romance interwoven with Tragedy in 'The Winter's Tale'? (2013) 
14. Discuss and analyze Leontes' Jealously in Shakespeare's play The Winter's Tale. (2014) 
15. Discuss and analyze the feminist strains in Shakespeare's play "The Winter's Tale". (2015) 
16. Discuss and analyze Leontes's jealousy in Shakespeare's play "The Winter's Tale". (2016) 
17. Critically examine the statue scene in Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" and elaborate its significane with reference to the overall plot of the play. (2017)
18. What impact do ideas of magic and mystery have in "The Winter's Tale"? (2018) 
19. For the study of human nature, comedy is as profound as tragedy. Prove or refute the statement by referreing to "The Winter's Tale". (2019) 

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